When you visit outdoor furniture stores, you will see outdoor furniture in Melbourne made from all different kinds of materials. It can be quite overwhelming. How do you know which outdoor furniture to pick? To some extent, it will depend on your own style tastes, as there are outdoor furniture items in an array of materials that are well suited to outdoor use.
To start narrowing your choices when you visit outdoor furniture stores, have a good look at your outdoor area. You might have a whole garden, a patio or a small balcony. Does it get a lot of sun or shade? What vintage is your residence? Does it get windy in your garden, or is there a lot of rain and moisture? The conditions of your garden, patio or balcony will determine which materials will be best for your outdoor furniture in Melbourne. The materials discussed below will be sturdy enough to suit most geographical areas, but if you have extreme weather, use your good judgement to choose appropriate outdoor furniture. Here are some materials to consider:
Wood Furniture
Wood outdoor furniture in Melbourne is a reliable option for a casual and natural feel that also looks good outdoors. Wood is a more traditional style of material, and popular kinds of wood furniture found at outdoor furniture stores include teak, eucalyptus, cedar, pine and oak. Wood is very durable and low maintenance, and some woods have natural oils that offer protection against rot and weather extremes.
Wicker Furniture
Wicker is ideal for cultivating a rustic country style in your outdoor space. It’s often used indoors as well as outdoors, which could help you add a sense of continuity between inside and outside spaces. Wicker is lightweight and can be made from a range of different natural materials like bamboo, rattan and cane, among others. For outdoor use, make sure you choose all-weather wicker, which is made from woven synthetics to withstand fluctuations in weather.
Aluminium Furniture
Aluminium outdoor furniture in Melbourne is useful if you would like to create a streamlined contemporary style. Aluminium’s properties make it a lightweight, sturdy and easy to move furniture choice. It’s a material that’s also easy to maintain – a quick wipe gets it clean, and it doesn’t corrode even if left outside for ages. There are also many designs and styles to choose from when it comes to aluminium furniture at outdoor furniture stores.
Wrought Iron Furniture
Wrought iron is a classic style of outdoor furniture. It’s known for being a strong, hardy material. You can find a range of styles of wrought iron furniture these days at outdoor furniture stores, including everything from contemporary to traditional. Wrought iron can add a touch of luxury to any outdoor space, plus it’s hard to tip it due to its weight making it quite stable. If you live in a windy area, wrought iron could be a good choice for your outdoor furniture in Melbourne. However, this material can be high maintenance and will need some care occasionally to prevent rust and corrosion.
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