The moving, extraction, and handling of different materials on construction sites will generate huge quantities of dust. Although this may be a nuisance for businesses and homes close by, it can also present a major health hazard. That’s why dust control is a crucial factor in meeting health, safety, and environmental requirements. With dust control systems like those from Bosstek, you‘ll not only be reducing site emissions but also protect your employees.

The dust produced during material processing or mining operations is a huge source of dust and airborne fumes. Besides, the dust produced during construction, mining, and unpaved roads greatly contributes to environmental pollution (and in particular air pollution).

Why Is Dust Control On Construction Sites So Important?

It is important to have dust suppression in construction sites. Construction tasks generate dust that can be harmful to the groundwater, your workers, wildlife, the community, and local businesses. For any construction site that is located where there’s the possibility of water or air dust pollution, then you must apply dust control measures. The good thing is that the latest dust control technology can help you prevent dust movement through the air and nearby areas during construction.

Protect Your Workers during Construction and Residents Living In the Adjacent Areas

You must protect the workers during the construction process and residents living nearby from breathing the harmful air. To do this, there are measures that you should take to stop exposing them to dust from your construction site.  Note that short-term exposure to polluted air can lead to many respiratory problems and allergies to workers on-site. This can eventually lead to reduced employee productivity which will, in the end, cause delays thus affecting your overall projects.

How Does Construction Dust Affect Your Health?

Although dust can be an annoyance to anyone working or living next to a construction site, it’s seriously harmful to your health. Since construction workers are exposed to the dust for longer periods, they are in a group of people with the highest risk of experiencing long-term health problems.

The thing is, dust can accumulate in your respiratory system which can eventually lead to permanent damages to the lungs and airways. Some of the severe illnesses that are often seen in patients who’ve worked on construction sites are:

  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Lung cancer
  • Silicosis

Why is Dust Suppression Important in Construction Sites?

The benefits of dust suppression include:

  • Dust suppression helps prevent unpleasant odors.
  • It helps reduce the risk of dust explosion and fire.
  • It decreases the waste of important materials.
  • Enhances safety while increasing visibility in the workplace.
  • Lowers site cleaning and maintenance costs.
  • A healthier workplace can help increase employees’ morale.
  • It helps reduce equipment wear which then saves you money.

In general, dust control measures are crucial in ensuring a healthy workplace for your team. As such, you must restrict and reduce air movement and surface activities that trigger the generation of dust from distressed soil on construction sites.