This coronavirus killed a lot of people all over the world. However, many people who tested positive survived the virus. If you are one of the lucky people who manage to survive after this terrible diagnosis, you need to learn what to do to stay healthy.

Always exercise

The coronavirus attacks the respiratory system. Even if you managed to recover, there’s still a chance that your respiratory system isn’t as tough as it used to be. Therefore, you need to exercise to strengthen your lungs. It would help if you also stayed fit. After being bedridden for a long time, you’re no longer in your best shape. Add to that the possibility of a drastic weight loss as a result of the viral infection. The best way to recover is to exercise. However, you should pace yourself. Don’t immediately go back to what you used to do before getting infected.

Check your diet

You need to have nutritious dishes to help in speeding up the recovery. Due to the viral infection, your body got stressed out. The number of medicines you took to recover also debilitated your body. Again, there’s a chance of a drastic weight loss due to the infection or medication. Therefore, you need to be more cautious with your diet moving forward. Protein-rich dishes are important. You should also take more vegetables and fruits to compensate for the lost appetite. However, even if you’re trying to compensate for what you lost, you shouldn’t eat too much or take undesirable foods.


Work on your memory 

Viruses can damage memory cells. Therefore, it helps if you start to work on your memory and focus on your cognitive thinking abilities. Try some memory games and puzzles to help you recover.

Don’t get back to your usual schedule

Just because you recover, it doesn’t mean you will immediately jump back to your regular routine. You have to give your body enough time to recover and transition to your everyday routine. The virus attacked your immune system, and you’re still trying to recover. It will strain your system if you immediately go back to your routine.

Take a break 

You deserve to celebrate after surviving the virus, considering that many people didn’t. You also deserve to take a break. If you wish to relax without leaving home, you might want to consider steam showers and buy one. They will help you feel more relaxed at home. If you can’t get back to work, you will have more time to relax by taking longer showers.

You have a lot of reasons to celebrate even if you got infected by the virus. It should also be a reminder to stay healthy and avoid potential illnesses in the future. There’s also no concrete study that shows you can get re-infected anymore. Therefore, it’s essential to always focus on being healthy. Monitor your symptoms and take the necessary medicines if you get sick again. Go to your doctor and seek immediate medical attention if need be.