We see interest in the private cloud expanding rapidly. This bodes well for both security and efficiency in the businesses we serve. In contrast to the public cloud, private cloud services are devoted to the specific organization that owns them.

Could your company benefit from a little private real estate in the cloud? Here’s when and why it might.

When a Secure, Private Network Is Vital

Public cloud customers avoid large hardware expenditures, and management and upkeep costs. The flip side of this? In the public cloud, multiple businesses share the same hardware. These businesses must spend sizable resources to shield:

  • Operating systems.
  • Applications.
  • Access.
  • Firewall configurations.
  • Client-server data encryption.

Enter private cloud technology.

Private cloud users reserve an exclusive environment. No one else has access to the server. All digital resources are isolated andtransmitted through a secure network. Data and access are protected by leading-edge cryptography as well as app-specific metadata that’s available only in the private cloud. This level of security is inherently superior to any scenario with multiple users.

Backup and Other Advantages of Private Cloud Services

Today’s private cloud normally exists in a managed data center. This offers backup advantages. In this hybrid system, less sensitive applications can shift to the public cloud during high usage periods, to carefully focus private cloud resources on sensitive data, and cut downtime. Other reasons to use a private cloud system are:

  • Scalable cost efficiency. Costs come down as uptime is optimized. And the space you need is the space you use.
  • Private control over infrastructure. Performance and storage upgrades happen based on one organization’s needs. Access (to handle these upgrades) is extended to authenticated users only.
  • Regulatory compliance. Private cloud services are tailored to the unique compliance and privacy needs of the organization. The private cloud is the solution for the intelligent enterprise handling proprietary information.

The private cloud meets the needs of organizations—regardless of size—that place a high value on guarding sensitive personal data, that require strong control and security over their work products, or both.

Protera Technologies: Helping Businesses Run Well

As a SAP Global Partner, Protera provides Total IT Outsourcing for organizations that rely on ERP. We pride ourselves on outstanding service, quick and helpful responses to client questions, and smooth, issue-free migrations for companies that opt for the private cloud. Our platforms offer outstanding automation support, and our on-demand AppCare platform brings data integrity, consistency, and security to the cloud.

Protera’s global solutions can cover all the information technology needs of your organization. Contact us if we can answer any questions for you, or get your company started with private cloud services.