Both the SEBI Grade A and the SSC CGL are very competitive exams and require very hard to crack. With BYJU’s Exam Prep proper preparations tips, you will be able to crack any of them with ease. Knowledge about the pattern of the exam will help you plan out your schedule and prepare for it better. It is very hard to compare which exam is easier between SEBI Grade A and SSC CGL. Both the exams offer candidates a very respectable job opportunity and a lot of benefits.
BYJU’s Exam Prep provides you with the necessary information to make a comparative analysis between the two. This will help you in knowing the exam pattern for both exams. Hence, you will be able to understand which exam you will be able to prepare for better.
A deep dive into SEBI Grade A criteria and exam pattern
SEBI Grade A is a very competitive exam that offers candidates a respectable job opportunity in various government sectors. The criteria of this exam are not a lot but there are some. To apply for the SEBI Grade A exam you need to be a citizen of India, Bhutan, Bangladesh, or Nepal. Furthermore, you will require a valid certification from the Indian government proving that. The exam has an upper limit of age, which is 30 years. Thus, candidates above the age of 30 years can not apply for the exam. Although, SEBI offers reservation candidates age relaxations according to their category.
The SEBI Grade A exam has two phases in which they conduct the exam, Phase I and Phase 2. Phase 1 of the SEBI Grade A exam consists of eighty objective questions. Furthermore, the Phase I exam consists of four subjects. These subjects are General Awareness, English Language, Quantitative Aptitude, and Test of reasoning with total marks of 100.
The Phase two exam of the SEBI Grade A exam consists of fifty objective questions from 7 subjects. The subjects include Commerce, Accountancy, Management, Finance, Costing, Companies Act and Economics with total marks of 100.
Furthermore, both the exams are multiple-choice questions. Although you will get an hour for the completion of Phase I and forty minutes for Phase two.
Hence, this is the way SEBI conducts its exam. Knowing this will help you plan out a schedule and plan out your preparation properly.
Now, let us explore the criteria and exam pattern of the SSC CGL
The SSC CGL exam has more lenient eligibility criteria than the SEBI Grade A exam. Although the SSC CGL exam has an age limit, the upper age limit is higher. Whereas, the SEBI Grade A exam demands candidates to be 30 years or under. The SSC CGL expects the candidates to be between the ages of 18 -32.
Furthermore, the candidate has to be of Indian origin or a citizen of Nepal or Bhutan. Also, the candidate must have a Bachelor’s Degree as the minimum educational qualification.
The SSC CGL exam has four tiers to it. Tier I, Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4. The different tiers constitute different tests on different subjects. We have the full list of the tier-wise subjects and the marks allotment to them.
The Tier I exam has four subjects which are General Awareness, English Comprehension, General Intelligence and Reasoning, and Quantitative Aptitude. Each of the subjects contains 25 questions containing 50 marks. This is an online examination.
The Tier 2 exam also consists of four subjects. These are Quantitative Ability, Statistics, English Language and Comprehension, and General Studies (Finance and Economics). The total mark for this tier is 800. This too is an online exam.
The Tier 3 exam is a descriptive paper where candidates have to write essays, letter writing, etc. Candidates have to write this exam on paper, hence it is an offline exam. This tier consists of a total of 100 marks.
The last tier, the Tier 4 exam is a Data Entry exam. This exam is more like an interview where candidates get qualifications for the SSC CGL
Thus, with all these pieces of information, you will be able to decide which exam you can prepare for better. By doing the comparative analysis you can decide which exam is easier to crack.
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