Any device that is connected to the IP network is normally vulnerable to numerous attacks by the hackers and eventually intruded for malicious purposes. The DVRs and security cameras are one such area which is easily targeted by hackers around the world. Therefore, it is essential that your DVRs and security cameras are essentially protected with required security features and specialised professional with IT network skills and efficiencies.

Most IT professionals often claim to say that they very well understand about IP networks and know-how to configure DVR with enhanced accuracy and with correct ports and IP along with using hard to guess the password and changing of DVR standard access ports etc. However, understanding of protecting with one password and using different ports is never enough to obstruct a hacker and prevent access to your surveillance system. If a skilful and efficient hacker or virus comes to your system, there is ultimately little chance or no chance of protecting your system.

Often people keep on saying that they have been working for so many years with CCTV and they never had any problem of attack which means they are blaming only the new or inexperienced problems who typically face hacking and attacks. In fact, this arrogance is one of the main problems of your security surveillance system getting attacked by hackers. It is because such arrogance is normally and completely based on hypothesis or guessing. The truth is the moment you installed your CCTV camera and made it available on the internet, you are beyond doubt at the risks of hackers and possible attacks. You may have a difficult password or change default ports; your system can even be attacked because it is never 100% safe.

Most contemporary DVR installers actually do not know even 1% of the skills of hackers because the hackers have been learning or studying IT network, development of software as well as techniques of intrusion into devices for many years along with techniques of getting into super-complex systems. Therefore, it can never be said that DVRs or IP cameras are safe and can be protected against such expert hackers.

Eventually, in order to effectively protect your DVRs and CCTV cameras, you need to first make yourself humble and open to learn new techniques and technologies such as what the correct operating system of your DVR, how does your CCTV system work, what are the network vulnerabilities, learning about different types of attacks such as brute-force attacks and dictionary attacks, issues of physical and social engineering etc.