Before we can even get into details on what an AR Solvent trap is and the properties that make it the best option, let’s consider a primary rule on all solvent trap kits. You are legally allowed to purchase solvent traps without a Form 1. Nevertheless, any altering, modifications, or redesigning them to fit the muffling, diminishing a firearm’s report, or silencing properties requires a legal procedure. You’ll have to file for a request to BATFE and receiving an approved Form 1. However, particular regulations might differ between States.

AR Solvent Traps

There are multiple solvent traps available on the market. These firearm cleaning kits differ in materials, diameter, cup styles, and lengths. All solvent traps are of high quality, but you have to choose the right one for you. That will depend on your preference and the kind of firearm that you own.

Some firearm owners direct thread solvent traps because they don’t mind the hassle that comes with using them. You will have to remove the flash can, muzzle brake, or AR 15 flash hider before the cleaning process for these types of solvent traps. This is because the solvent trap will replace them.

The Difficulty in Cleaning AR 15’s

There are handguard configurations in some AR 15’s. The barrel, in this case, ends about an inch or a half shorter than the handguard. That extends the cleaning process as you have to remove the handguard before removing the flash hider. To remove most of the aftermarket handguards, you’ll require different sizes of Allen Wrenches.

On the other hand, a delta ring tool is required to release the handguard in some standard Mil-Spec configurations. Regardless, if you have a more extended handguard than your barrel, you will have more steps in the cleaning process. That will include removing parts before getting to the muzzle brake, flash hider, or flash can.

You will then use an AR Wrench to remove the flash hider, which depends on how tight it was screwed on. In some cases, a vice will be required to pull this off. Another caution is that if you’ve opted for a metal vice, you have to watch out not to scratch the AR 15 anodized finish. This is a consideration if you frequently have to go by these steps while cleaning your firearm.

The Benefits of AR Solvent Traps

The perfect replacement for a direct thread solvent trap is a configured solvent trap that accepts the industry muzzle adapters, e.g., Quick Detach Mounts. A typical industry-solvent trap tube thread measures 1.375 × 24 Threads per Inch. If you thread an AR solvent trap in 1.375 × 24 TPI, it simplifies the solvent cleaning and trapping since multiple muzzle bread quick detach alternatives on the market align well with this thread pattern.

A quick muzzle brake setup provides an immediate attachment and detachment of a solvent trap when need be. This will save you the hassle of constantly removing your AR flash hider whenever you intend to install your firearm cleaning system with a direct thread configuration. Armory Den’s has several AR solvent traps such as;

1. Billet 7075 Type III Anodized Modular Solvent Trap – Has both ½ x 28′ and 1.375 x 24′ threaded adapters. It is also threaded in 1.375 x 24 TPI and has a 1.375 × 24′ to 1-3/16 × 24′ adapter.

2. GR5 Titanium Modular Solvent Trap – Made of top-notch grade 5 titanium for strength. It is a bit heavier than the other one. It has either a ½ x 28′ or a 5/8 x 24′ threaded adapter. It’s threaded in 1.375 x 24′ TPI and has an additional 1.375 x 24′ to 1-3/16 × 24′ adapter. It offers users unlimited muzzle configuration and attachment options.

How to Use

Instead of removing your flash hider or handguard whenever you want to attach a solvent trap, you can opt to thread the 1.375 x 24′ adapter over the muzzle break with the required external thread. Another alternative is to install any quick detach options that are compatible with the 1.375 x 24′ TPI pattern.

If you want to avoid dealing with threading, you should buy a quick-detach adapter that fits your 1.375 x 24′ adapter. It will allow the solvent trap to attach and detach quickly, but you have to use a quick detach muzzle brake setup that’s correctly configured.

Call Armory Den today to get your AD solvent trap!