Your veins carry the blood that provides all the nutrients and oxygen your muscles and organs need to function correctly. When those veins aren’t working correctly, then you could suffer from several health conditions.

Signs of Poor Circulation

A major sign of poor circulation is a persistent numb feeling or throbbing in one area of your body, usually in your extremities. You may also notice more muscle soreness, cramping, and skin color changes in these areas.

Issues Caused by Poor Circulation

Here are three common examples of how poor circulation can affect your health.

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins, also known as spider veins, are thick and highly noticeable veins that mostly occur on the back of the legs. Some types of varicose veins are raised and painful and may make standing for long periods difficult.

Peripheral Artery Disease

Peripheral artery disease, or PAD, is when your blood vessels become narrow, stiff, or clogged and block the flow of blood your feet or hands. This disease starts out as persistent numbness in these areas, but could end up as gangrene if left untreated.

Reynaud’s Disease

Reynaud’s disease is when you have chronically cold hands and feet due to narrowing blood vessels. In severe cases, your fingers and toes may appear almost white. Artery or connective tissue disease, using vibrating tools, and carpal tunnel syndrome can contribute to this disease.

Ways a Vein Doctor Can Help You

A professional vein doctor will give you a physical exam and run tests to determine the cause and extent of your poor circulation, and treat any underlying conditions.

The doctor will also check for blood clots as well as other artery diseases or damage. In some cases, surgery may be required to open up or redirect the blood vessels so that they work properly.